Registration Form

We have received several high quality proposals and it was extremely hard to select the best one. 

To attend the conference, it is mandatory to fill in the registration form up to the 10th of June.

The focus of the first day will be the reflection about and around the impact of AI in our imaginaries and the consequent effects on our narrative production in a broader sense.

The second day is more addressed on the role of AI in the creative process, with a specific focus on music and visual productions. A part of the five panels, in fact, artists, students and scholars will have the opportunity to show artworks and products based on the use of AI. Several outputs will be showed: videos, sound productions, demo, multimedia installations etc.

Six keynote speakers will present their important studies in this field from different perspectives.

  • Giusy Caruso is chairwoman of the CREATIE Research Group at Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, promotor, artist-researcher and professional concert pianist oriented towards the futuristic nexus of art-science-technology.
  • Francesco D'Isa, trained as a philosopher and digital artist, has exhibited his works internationally in galleries and contemporary art centers. He teaches Philosophy at the Lorenzo de' Medici Institute (Florence) and Illustration and Contemporary Plastic Techniques at LABA (Brescia).​
  • Lev Manovich  is an artist, writer, and one of the most influential theorists of digital culture worldwide. He is currently a Presidential Professor of Computer Science at the City University of New York's Graduate Center and the Director of the Cultural Analytics Lab. 
  • Bruce Sterling is an American science fiction author known for his novels and short fiction and editorship of the Mirrorshades anthology. In particular, he is linked to the cyberpunk subgenre.
  •   Jasmina Tesanovic is an author, feminist, political activist (Women in Black, Code Pink), translator, and filmmaker.
  •  Giorgio Vallortigara is full professor in Neuroscience at University of Trento, member of the CiMec Center of Research of Mind/Brain Science.

Here the complete program

Here the book of Abstracts


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